Saturday, March 18, 2017

"Expedition" - Sara Groves

     If you didn't take time to listen to the song above, I encourage you to do so before you continue.  As a side-note, if you're not familiar with Sara Groves music,  you should take the time to listen to more of her work.   I find her to be an extremely genuine songwriter; a songwriter who communicates to us through her own personal experiences.  She speaks as one who has "been there" and if you have also "been there" your heart will undoubtedly respond to her honesty.  In the next few paragraphs, I'd like to pull out some treasures from her song "Expedition" and give you a glimpse of how God has spoken to me through this song.  His words have been compassionate, encouraging and dare I say wooing.  They invite me to go deeper. This invitation is exhilarating and frightening. 

     Let me pause here and say that the last few years, I have been walking a journey of healing, restoration and rescue with God.  It has brought healing to my heart in ways I probably still don't fully understand.  This is important context in which to unpack this song.  It is from this place of rescue that God offers the invitation I feel He is extending to me through the beauty of this song.  Perhaps He has something to say to you as well. 

"Did you see the invitation to have nothing to prove, there at the end of striving..."  
     I could spend a whole year just chewing on this opening line.  As one walking on a journey of rescue from anxiety, depression and perfectionism, the idea of having nothing to prove seems foreign.  One of the main drivers of those walking this journey is proving.  Proving you're good enough, worthy and valuable.  At least that has been true for me.  I love The Message version of Ephesians 1:4. "Long before He laid down the earth's foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love."  Now listen, I get it.  My initial reaction is to scream "FOUL! Nope, not me!" But that voice that says you have to prove yourself, it's lying.  We are already valuable.  God has already settled on us as the focus of His love.  You /  I can dance around this all we want, but sooner or later, we're going to have to make a choice.  There is nothing for us to prove. 

     "The end of striving."  Let that sink in.  There can be an end to our striving, our "effort", our constant working to get it right and to finally "arrive."  It seems a little dangerous that this would be true.  It is entirely too easy to believe nothing will ever change.  "It will always be this way" is a lie we must dismantle.  There can be an end to our striving.  Invitation.  Sometimes life feels like it is based on duty, obligations and tasks.  There are things we know we should do. There are things we must do in life.  Sometimes our motives might be in the right place, but other times, we might just be trying to power through.  There's something about an invitation that draws us in.  It's relational.  It says, "come along with me."  It isn't something we must do. It's something we get to do.  There's an enormous joy in this.  This invitation from God the Father says "Come on. Come with me.  Let me show you a different way.  You don't have to kill yourself for My love.  You have nothing to prove."  

"I fashioned us a raft and oar.....we're looking for lost time." 

     One thing that captures my heart about God is that He is always taking the initiative.  He pursues us.  In contrast, take an honest look at how the human race generally relates to God.  We run, we turn away, we hide.  What does He do?  He pursues, He chases, He takes the initiative in wooing us back to Him.  You read that right....He does indeed woo us to Him.  Remember, He "settled on us as the focus of His love." Two things stand out for me in the lyric above.  First, "I fashioned".  If I haven't made this clear yet, when I listen to this song I imagine God singing these words.  This is a song from Him to me.  So when it says "I fashioned," that's God, not me.  Initiative and pursuit.  This was His idea.  I didn't come up with it.  He provided the means on which we (together) will journey forward.  And what is the purpose of our journey?  We're looking for lost time.  Time that was stolen by disappointments, the brokenness of this world, my own sin and wrong choices.  It's one thing to settle all these things and just move on.  That's not what God wants to do.  He wants to make up that lost time.  He wants to redeem it and rescue it and restore that time.  What a love.  A love that would not only care about my future state, but the entirety of my story.  

"To see the invisible goodness of deliberate and slow."

     If I have a dream or a plan, the last words I want to hear are "deliberate and slow."  My gut reaction to these words is irritation.  I want it now.  I had the idea, I got the "vision", let's do this thing.  Nope...not God's time table.  At least it hasn't been for me.  If this has been God's time table for you, don't come and talk to me; it's very likely we cannot be friends.  In my story, God has been deliberate and slow.  This frustrates me daily.  God has also been loving, faithful and ever-present in my story.  It hasn't always looked the way I had hoped (maybe this is true for you too), but God knows what He's doing.  Do I always believe this?  Absolutely not.  Does it invalidate this truth.  Not even a little.  It is a truth I must choose to believe or not believe.  What also gives me pause in this lyric is that deliberate and slow is an "invisible goodness."  This thing that I fight and try to control, this deliberate slowness, it is good.  It is a gift from a relentless God that desires goodness for us.  Oh that I would fully surrender to this breathtaking truth. 

"Reeds on the shoreline nod and sway. They don't  toil to be that way."      

     Our natural state should be rest and trust in God.  We are most at peace when we just surrender to the rhythm life was intended to have; reliance on and relationship with the Creator.  This is what we were made for.  That's worth repeating....this is what we were made for.  Same story with the "reeds on the shoreline."  They just nod and sway.  This is their natural state.  They're not striving to be anything else.  They're not killing themselves for acceptance and value.  They just surrender to the rhythm.   

"It will take days and might be extravagant and wasteful.  We'll be gone as long as it takes."

     This is the lyric that floors me the most.  It is so unsettling.  It's like it is standing in front of me and I dare not look it in the eye.  This journey, this healing, this might be extravagant and wasteful.  In a world of efficiency and productivity, 12 step programs and formulas, it would be easy to shy away from this.  Not even just shy away, but shut the whole thing down.  It's hard for us to get our minds around it.  But keep in mind, God's ways are not ours.  His love for us is extravagant. There are numerous examples of this in scripture and life.  You might not see it, you might not want to see it.  We are masters of excuses and "reason."  We are experts at killing ourselves and wearing tags that say "not enough," "worthless," and "not worth the effort."  I cannot convince you.  I can't even convince myself.  Only the extravagance of our Creator God can do this.  Only our loving Father can do this. (I get the word "Father" could trip some people up. I hesitate to use the term. But the truth is, He is a loving Father, even if yours wasn't).  Let me invite you to look this thing straight in the eye.  Hold its gaze.  God's love for you is extravagant.  Wasteful?  Only in our eyes.  Only in eyes addicted to efficiency, productivity and the prudent.  But God wastes nothing and His resources are endless.  Also, He thinks You are worth the "wastefulness."  So how long is this journey?  When do we get this thing worked out?  "We'll be gone as long as it takes."  Again, this floors me.  I can be pretty quick to entertain the thought that God is just waiting for me to get myself together; to just hurry up and "get with the program."  Often times, I want the same thing.  I know I will spend my life forever grateful that God is so patient with me (us).  God is not in a hurry.  Everything happens within the time-frame that He has intended.  Also, this message that we'll be gone as long as it takes, speaks more of His massive love to me.  The overall message I hear is "you are worth my time and attention."  

     Allow yourself to process this for a moment.  You, YOU, are worth His time and attention.  Is that how you see yourself?  Most of the time I would answer no to this question.  This is not how I see myself, but I am learning.  I am daring to jump into this terrifying and dangerous truth and walk this journey.  So what is your journey?  Is God inviting you to take an expedition with Him?  I am certain He is.  If you don't think so, I would dare you to ask Him and listen.  It could be a little unnerving, but I would point you to 1 John 4:18. "There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear."

Here's to the journey.  Cheers! 

-J. Woods

Saturday, February 7, 2015

What Color Are You?

Alright, here’s the thing…

We’re all guilty of taking those quizzes that clog up our Facebook feeds.  You know, “What color are you?” “What city should you live in?” “Are you original or extra crispy?”  I know you’ve taken them.  I have too.  On the surface I think I know why we take these quizzes.  They’re fun.  They’re innocent.  They give us something to do while we’re sitting on the toilet.  (Don't lie right now, you know you take your phone in the bathroom). 

But I wonder if our indulgence in these quizzes points to something deeper.  We are searching for identity.  A few months ago I wrote on identity and how I was still on a journey to find mine,  but I wasn’t quite there yet.  I think this might be true of all of us on some level.  Deep down we don’t know who we are.  Perhaps we’re not comfortable with who we are.  We are searching for identity.

Take a step back.  Think about your motives.  

“I’m unsettled in my life right now.  Maybe this ten question quiz where I select coffee over soda or a cabin over a condo will help give me direction and peace.”

“I really want others to understand who I am.  Maybe if I post that I should actually live in Portland, people will finally start to see the real me.”

“And speaking of Portland, maybe the answers I’m seeking can be found there.  God knows I’m lost living here.”

You might be rolling your eyes at this point.  “Isn’t this just a little over the top?”  Maybe.  Maybe it is just good fun.  I’m just making an observation.  I’m just trying to look a little deeper and search for heart level issues.  So why are we unsettled?  Why don’t we know who we are?  Why are we searching for identity?  Perhaps you’ve been hurt.  Perhaps someone told you that who you are is not good enough or not acceptable.  Perhaps you grew up in the church (like me) and feel a little betrayed by Jeremiah 29:11 (this is an entirely different post all together).  Perhaps you’re just not comfortable in your own skin. 

There is an answer.  You might not like it.  You might not accept it.  It might not heal everything right away.  It might not be “one and done.”  Finding the answer to the question of “Who am I?” might be a journey.  It has been for me.  But I’m certainly further down the road than I was a few months ago.  It has had valleys but it has had peaks as well.  And by the way, the valleys are just as important as the peaks. 

So what is the answer?  Jesus.  Jesus is the answer.

“Man, I wish he wouldn't have said that.”

I might have just lost some of you.  I hope not.  I believe that God has written and is writing a story that we have a part and an identity in.  That story is “I love you, you are mine and I will rescue you."

I can’t convince you with my own part in the story.  I can only share it.  My story with Jesus is going to look different than your story with Jesus.  You might say, “Whoa, I don’t have a story that involves Jesus.”  My response would be, yes you do.  You just might not be able to see it yet.  And it’s not for lack of His presence or nearness.  He knows right where you are and is pursuing you.  I promise.  And I dare you to ask Him to reveal this pursuit to you.  I am 100% convinced He will show you.  It might not look like you think.  I don’t always find Jesus to be predictable or comfortable with the status quo.

Jesus is the answer. I’m telling you.  Go take your question to Him.  He wants to answer it. 

- J. Woods 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Even if my heart turns black and blue...

I thought it fitting to post about depression following the tragic news of Robin Williams.  This news is not tragic because Robin Williams was a brilliant actor or an amazing comedian. This news is tragic because another human being arrived at a place where he believed death was his only "saving grace."  This is tragic when it is the story of the single mother who is struggling in the day to day, the pastor that just can't give anymore and the homeless man who can't face one more day alone. 

I don't have a lot to say about this that hasn't already been said across social media the last few days.  But I want to address two groups. 

1) The depressed.

Tell someone. 

Talk to someone.  

Tell someone safe that will listen and love you through this. People that love you do exist, even if you can't see it.  I understand what it feels like.  I promise.  I truly believe only those that have walked beneath the dark, oppressive cloud of depression can understand.  Not everyone will understand.  Not everyone can. Talk to someone who does.  Talk to me.  Talk to someone.   Also, let them love you.  Depression brings with it the weight of not only deep sadness, but guilt, shame and worthlessness.  Allow yourself to be loved. 

2) The person close to the depressed.  

Love them. 

Love them with all you have. 

They need you.  They might not return this love.  They are on one of the hardest roads they may ever walk. They might not want you to love them.  They might not want to tell you what they are feeling.  They are lost and ashamed.  Love them anyway.  Even when it hurts to love them.  It will hurt to love them. 

To both sets of people:  

Do not give up.  Love is the answer.  To everything.  

But love is not always wrapped up in a cute little box with a ribbon.  Love can be hard.  Love can be dirty. Love is always intentional.  

I leave you with this beautiful song by JJ Heller.  

Give love and be loved. 

- J. Woods

Saturday, August 9, 2014

You are what you eat.


I'm always looking for mine.

I have the type of personality that we'll call "all in."  We could also call it, "all or nothing,"  "this or that," "really annoying."  Here's a little glimpse for clarification.  Let's say that  I decide to like apples. I will go and buy some apples.  I will research all the different types of apples.  I will join a Facebook group called "Apples for Life."  I will shun all other fruit.  I will become "apple guy."


Because I am searching for an identity.

Now the apple example was a silly one (besides, everyone knows the mango is where it's at), but my mind does operate this way. Let's take running for example. In 2012, I ran the Fifth Third Riverbank 25k. (For those of you reading this who aren't from Grand Rapids, this race is a big deal around here).  So when I started training, I went all in. I got the gear, I got the training plans, bought the apps, signed up for other races along the way.  I was "running guy."

Let's take my music as another example.  This is where the "this or that" portion comes into play.  For years I have struggled  with writing and "performing" worship music or non-worship music.  Worship music in a church setting or non-worship in a bar / venue setting?  I have strong passions for both of these.  However, in my mind, I cannot allow both of them to coexist.  It has to be one or the other. Why?  Because what would my identity be if I decided to do both?  I wouldn't have one.  I'd just be a guy who writes different types of music.

I have recently done this in the arena of social justice.  I read a book called "Fast Living." This book is attached to an organization called Live 58.  The book focuses on putting an end to extreme global poverty. A noble cause.  I was all in.  I stopped buying Folgers coffee and started buying coffee from Toms Roasting Club. Yep, the shoe guy.  They also have a roasting club.  It is direct trade and each bag purchased helps supply water for someone in need.  My purchases are making a difference to change the world.  Again, a noble cause, to be sure.  But time for a heart check.  Why was I actually doing it?  So I could be "change the world guy."

So why this search for and obsession with identity?  As someone who grew up in the church and also calls himself a "follower of Christ," I'm told my identity is found in Jesus. In Christ.

I'm not there yet.

I'm still struggling with letting my guard down to let this "truth" in.

As I mentioned in my last post, vulnerability is not a pleasure cruise for a perfectionist.  For the perfectionist, "I can do it myself" and " I don't need you," are mantras. They are a battle cry.  In my own perfectionist mind, the words of  Matthew 28:11, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest," don't apply for me.

But God is working, patiently and faithfully (as He does) on my heart (and mind).  Some days I believe and other days I think life would be a lot easier if God didn't even exist.  He is working to break down the walls I have built to keep Him out and allow me to see the truths of the following scriptures.

Psalm 139:13, "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb."

Romans 5:8, " But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 31:3, "I have loved you with an everlasting love...."  (God speaking through Jeremiah)

At this point in my journey I feel a battle being waged for my identity.  Will I keep striving to find my own identity in the things I do, or will I allow Christ's love to so penetrate my heart that I find rest in knowing that my only true identity is found in Jesus.  In His love, in His redemption, in His purposes.  Lately I find His pursuit of my heart is relentless.  It is important to note that all the scriptures above are Christ initiated. Christ pursues.  Christ redeems. Christ pours out His ridiculous, confusing, seemingly backwards, yet unconditional love.  We are asked to do nothing but rest in it. Find freedom in it. Find identity.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I think it's hilarious that I thought I was going to consistently write a blog.


My first post was in March of 2013.

I had such high hopes and good intentions. As I read back through it tonight, it looked so well organized, so well thought out.  I was going to do all these great things and help the perfectionists of the world.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Come on. How delusional am I?

Truth is, I've wanted to write again. I have. I think about it, then I go and do something else.  Why? Because I couldn't figure out the right post.  The right formula.  The right solution that I deemed post worthy. But I was inspired tonight by a blog I stumbled upon: As a side note, go check it out.  I really appreciate her  honesty.  Honesty is something I'm a big fan of..... except when it is about me and my "value" and how many people love me and how I'm not actually as bad as I think I am. Blah, blah, blah.

But I was inspired to write tonight.  And guess what?  I am still struggling on this journey. This journey of perfectionism. This journey of anxiety. This journey of depression. I have heard it said that an alcoholic is an alcoholic for life, they just learn to manage it, but it's always there.  I think I believe this about perfectionism (at least today). I think it will always be there, and hopefully, I can learn to manage it.  Or at least allow myself to believe in a lie long enough to take a breath.  I have learned a few things. Better said, I have had some thoughts that sound pretty good every now and then and at other times seem like total bullshit.

Here's a sample of what I've "learned."  1) Who cares?  Who really cares if I am perfect? Well, me.  Anyone else? Nope. I just smile politely at these people and secretly feel superior to them, because I've got it all figured out. Perfectionism is where it's at. No it isn't. Who cares. Sometimes I am the champion of this idea and other times I curl up in the corner like a scared little kid.  2) These standards are my own and they are fantastic! They're also killing me.  3) I am not living as my true self as I continue to chase perfectionism.  I am living the life of an impostor that will only tell you what I think you want to hear.  4)  The worst four letter word is HELP.  Yep, even dirtier than the F word and the C  word combined.  I hate that word. I also hate the idea of it. 5) Vulnerability is terrifying.  I desperately want you to know me even as I want to hide from you forever.  6)  Honesty and vulnerability is healing and helpful (ugh...that word) and when I operate in it with those I kind of trust (yes, "kind of". If you think I have mastered 100% trust yet you are NOT paying attention) it does wonders to lift huge weights of guilt, shame and pain off of my shoulders.  So I am feeling vulnerable tonight, hence my writing.  I'm going to leave you with a few honest thoughts. And let me tell you....I really don't want to, but I have to hope for a little hit of that "healing high."   They are just quick honest statements.  I'm not even going to bother explaining them. I'm just going to tell you.

  • I have a deep fear of abandonment.
  • The first thought that goes through my head within the first 10 seconds of me waking up in the morning is "you're worthless" (or some variation of this). Every morning. 
  • Even if you've known me for years, you've probably only scratched the surface of who I actually am. I have these beautiful walls set up to keep you out.  (The exception to this is my wife. She has a tall ladder and can read my mail like a boss. Even though I do periodically try to hide from her too). 
  • I'm convinced I'm fucking up my kids everyday and they will resent me for it later. 
  • I love to curse. 
  • I believe Jesus loves me about 25% of the time.  I actually care if He does about 50% of the time. 
  • Sometimes I'm scared music is a bigger god to me than God actually is. 
  • Sometimes I have "George Bailey" moments when I think my life has affected no one for the better. 
  • I think about therapy from time to time, but I think those people are probably full of shit. 
  • I really do love others. But it is buried deep, deep down under a lot of hurt, pain and anger. 
  • It matters to me what you think of me, but I don't want it to matter to me. 
  • I do not understand grace. 
I end this post with no deep thoughts or resolve. Except that I hope to post again soon and I hope that if you're on this journey too, you keep walking.

Cheers to the chaos.  Up yours. 

- J. Woods 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's take it from the top.

My name is Justin.....and I am a perfectionist.

     I've wanted to start this blog for some time now. I'm not sure where it will lead, but I suppose I shouldn't be so concerned with outcomes right now and just follow the leading of my heart and gut. For those of you who know me, the opening "confession" of being a perfectionist probably comes as no surprise. However, depending on how well you know me, you may not realize just how deep it goes. If I was to rate my perfectionism on a scale of  1-10, with 1 being "oh shucks I am such a perfectionist, oh well," and 10 being, "I have been dwelling on this 'mistake' for about 3-4 hours," I would say I am an 8.

     As I move into my mid-thirties, I have come to a few realizations. 1) I truly am an "8 level" perfectionist (if not higher). 2) As I have reflected on this over time, I can link this perfectionism as the root of some major things I have struggled with for most of my life (anger, depression, anxiety). 3) I am exhausted and I don't want to live in this place of perfectionism anymore. 4) I look at perfectionism a lot like many people view alcoholism; that this part of you never really goes away, you just learn how to manage it.

     So why am I starting this blog?  A few reasons. First, I hope that it will be therapeutic to get some thoughts out, so this blog will serve as a journal of sorts. Second, maybe you're reading this and you struggle with perfectionism. Perhaps we can help each other on this journey. Lastly, maybe you're reading this and you are close to someone who is a perfectionist (spouse, sibling, friend, etc.). My hope would be that maybe this blog will help you better understand that loved one.

     Before we go on, let me say this......I don't intend to dig really deep into studies here. I may attach articles from time to time that I find interesting or relevant, but mostly this is about the things that I have learned on my journey and hopefully someone will be able to relate to that. There are a few specific topics I will focus on in the coming posts. I'll be touching on perfectionism as it relates to God and His grace as well as my role as a husband and father.

    That's all I have for you tonight.  So I will leave you with an article and a question.  The attached article discusses traits of a perfectionist.  Do you see yourself or someone close?

Until next time.  May you have peace in your mind.

- J. Woods