Friday, August 15, 2014

Even if my heart turns black and blue...

I thought it fitting to post about depression following the tragic news of Robin Williams.  This news is not tragic because Robin Williams was a brilliant actor or an amazing comedian. This news is tragic because another human being arrived at a place where he believed death was his only "saving grace."  This is tragic when it is the story of the single mother who is struggling in the day to day, the pastor that just can't give anymore and the homeless man who can't face one more day alone. 

I don't have a lot to say about this that hasn't already been said across social media the last few days.  But I want to address two groups. 

1) The depressed.

Tell someone. 

Talk to someone.  

Tell someone safe that will listen and love you through this. People that love you do exist, even if you can't see it.  I understand what it feels like.  I promise.  I truly believe only those that have walked beneath the dark, oppressive cloud of depression can understand.  Not everyone will understand.  Not everyone can. Talk to someone who does.  Talk to me.  Talk to someone.   Also, let them love you.  Depression brings with it the weight of not only deep sadness, but guilt, shame and worthlessness.  Allow yourself to be loved. 

2) The person close to the depressed.  

Love them. 

Love them with all you have. 

They need you.  They might not return this love.  They are on one of the hardest roads they may ever walk. They might not want you to love them.  They might not want to tell you what they are feeling.  They are lost and ashamed.  Love them anyway.  Even when it hurts to love them.  It will hurt to love them. 

To both sets of people:  

Do not give up.  Love is the answer.  To everything.  

But love is not always wrapped up in a cute little box with a ribbon.  Love can be hard.  Love can be dirty. Love is always intentional.  

I leave you with this beautiful song by JJ Heller.  

Give love and be loved. 

- J. Woods

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